Japan Digest #390
Japan Digest · 2024/08/25
1. Ishiba Released A Book To Show His Confidence To Be Post-Kishida According to NHK’s monthly survey, which was conducted from August 2 through August 4, the Kishida Cabinet’s approval rating remained unchanged at 25%, while its disapproval rating went down by 2 points to 55%. Although there was no announcement by any of the hopefuls to run for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential election this week, former Secretary General of the party Shigeru Ishiba released his book...
Japan Digest #389
Japan Digest · 2024/08/25
1. Kishida’s Approval Rating Stayed Low According to Yomiuri’s monthly survey, which was conducted from July 19 through July 21, the Kishida Cabinet’s approval rating went up by 2 points to 25%, while its disapproval rating went down by 2 points to 62%. This is the 9th month in row for the approval ratings to hang low over below 30%. Although PM Kishida and his team are trying to find a way out, the media is now frequently reporting the signs of the post-Kishida movement. None of the...

ニュースレター · 2024/08/25
日賑グローバル・ニュースレター国内版(第340号) 1. 人権擁護とイスラエル支援の微妙なバランスの綱渡りをするハリス候補 2. レアアースを巡る西側と中国のつばぜり合い 3. 東アジア情勢 -愛知淑徳大学ビジネス学部真田幸光教授の最新レポートを弊社にてダイジェスト版化 
Japan Digest #388
Japan Digest · 2024/08/25
1. Kishida’s Approval Rating Went Up To 25% According to NHK’s monthly survey, which was conducted from July 5 through July 7, the Kishida Cabinet’s approval rating went up by 4 points to 25%, while its disapproval rating went down by 3 points to 57%. Although neither the passage of the amendment of the Political Fund Control Law nor the onetime tax break in June did raise Kishida’s approval ratings, it seems that the Kishida Administration’s decision to provide households with a...

ニュースレター · 2024/08/25
日賑グローバル・ニュースレター国内版(第339号) 1. バイデン撤退からハリス指名に向けた民主党の舞台裏の様子 2. シリコンバレーの分断を深める大統領選 3. 東アジア情勢 -愛知淑徳大学ビジネス学部真田幸光教授の最新レポートを弊社にてダイジェスト版化 
Japan Digest #387
Japan Digest · 2024/08/25
1. Amendment Of The Political Fund Control Law Didn’t Improve Kishida’s Approval Rating According to Yomiuri’s monthly survey, which was conducted from June 21 through 23, the Kishida Cabinet’s approval rating went down by 3 points to 23%, which is the lowest ever since Kishida inaugurated his cabinet in October of 2021. Its disapproval rating went up by one point to 64%. 56% of the respondents did not appreciate the restrictions and transparency rules out of the Amended Political Fund...

ニュースレター · 2024/08/25
日賑グローバル・ニュースレター国内版(第338号) 1. 暗殺未遂事件はトランプ前大統領への流れを加速するか 2. 大統領選の争点として最高裁改革を取り上げるバイデン大統領 3. 東アジア情勢 -愛知淑徳大学ビジネス学部真田幸光教授の最新レポートを弊社にてダイジェスト版化  4. 中東フリーランサー報告29   
Japan Digest #386
Japan Digest · 2024/08/25
1. Kishida Administration Drafted Basic Policy Of Economic & Fiscal Reform The Kishida Administration presented a draft of “Basic Policy of Economic and Fiscal Reform” at the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy on June 11, the media reported. The basic policy is intended to make the Japanese economy completely getting out of the deflation spiral by spurring the present trend of salary and income growth to be sustainable and to set a new economic stage to make its annual GDP reach the...

ニュースレター · 2024/08/25
日賑グローバル・ニュースレター国内版(第337号) 1. バイデン大統領は若い有権者と共感の絆を築けるか 2. バイデン下ろしのゆくえ 3. 東アジア情勢 -愛知淑徳大学ビジネス学部真田幸光教授の最新レポートを弊社にてダイジェスト版化 
Japan Digest #385
Japan Digest · 2024/08/25
1. CDPJ To Seek For Tokyo Governor’s Position To Further Drive LDP Into A Corner The Shizuoka Prefecture’s gubernatorial election was held on May 26 and Mr. Yasutomo Suzuki, Mayor of Hamamatsu, who was supported by CDPJ won over Mr. Shinnichi Omura, former Vice-Governor of Shizuoka, who was supported by the ruling LDP. Before this gubernatorial election, there were three by-elections for one each of House of Representative in Nagasaki’s 3rd District, Shimane’s 1st District and Tokyo’s...
